MyCareerGuidance.ie is a career and educational guidance service based in Maynooth, Co Kildare.
The service is tailored to the individual needs of each student. Through discussion and testing, students engage in a process where they build an awareness of their strengths, abilities, interests and motivation.
Students are then given guidance, tools and techniques that will help them fulfill their potential.

Click below to book a Free 20 min online/phone intro consultation.
Find out more about the mycareerguidance.ie service and how it can help you.

5th & 6th Yr career guidance
Every young person needs high-quality Career Guidance to make informed decisions about their future. It’s vital that students have a purpose and goal to make all their hard work meaningful and worthwhile. I can offer a tailor-made Career Guidance that can help.

leaving cert Subject options
(3rd & Transition yr)
Students in 3rd year & Transition year have to choose subjects for the Leaving Cert, this can be challenging. The Guidance service I have developed can guide students through the subject options process so that they make the right decision.

study skills
Studying and achieving good results present challenges to a varied degree to all students. I offer a one-to-one study workshop (90 minutes) where I explore what is blocking the student from achieving their potential, I provide techniques and strategies to overcome their challenges.

- Wrote ‘Top 10 tips for Parents of Leaving Cert students’ on www.schooldays.ie click here
- Contributed to the Career Guidance Podcast series ‘Ciall roimh aois’ on STEM careers from www.dgbmata.ie
Physiotherapy click here Mechanical Engineering click here Science Teacher click here
- Wrote ‘How to choose the right course’ in the Irish Independent 15/12/2021 click here
Lucan, Co Dublin
Trim, Co Meath
Navan, Co Meath